06. Agricultural Tractors Update

Corsi di aggiornamento sicurezza sul lavoro | Formasic - Formazione e consulenza per aziende e professionisti

Agricultural Tractors Update License renewal for Agricultural Tractor Operators AT HOME IN THE CLASSROOM Update of agricultural or forestry tractors, for the periodic renewal of the license of operators who use such equipment. Legislative Decree 81/08 attributes fundamental importance to training in the management of health and safety in the workplace. The use of work […]

01. Fire-fighting course

Corsi di aggiornamento sicurezza sul lavoro | Formasic - Formazione e consulenza per aziende e professionisti

Fire-fighting course risk Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 AT HOME IN THE CLASSROOM Firefighting course for the training of fire prevention team workers. Workers who have been tasked with fire prevention and firefighting activities must receive adequate and specific training. Legislative Decree 81/08 provides a dedicated training course for personnel who are part […]