03. Update Form B for RSPP / ASPP

Update Form B for RSPP / ASPP five-year update for RSPP / ASPP Appointed AT HOME IN THE CLASSROOM Module B refresher course for RSPP and ASPP Appointed, pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement of 7 July 2016. According to the art. 32 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and the State-Regions Agreement of 01/26/2006, anyone who holds […]
03. Employer RSPP update

Employer RSPP update Prevention and Protection Service Manager update AT HOME IN THE CLASSROOM RSPP Employer Refresher Course, for periodic training updates. The Employer who holds the role of Prevention and Protection Service Manager must update the training every five years, as indicated in paragraph 3 of art. 34 Legislative Decree 81/08 and specified by the […]